Wednesday, January 16, 2008


The last time i came here was when the sun was shining bright...The summer is long gone are the fallen leaves and the past.
.. it is a brand new year...a brand new job which sucks big time and a brand new me?
another tall dream...the me is never new. the me does welcome the new...but somewhere along the line, the me just hangs on to the past, not ready to let go...but this year, i did that.
i said good bye to my mobile phone which has been my bosom companion for the last couple of years... 4 infact...a relic from those 'unforgivable' days....
by letting go of it, i have in a way ushered in the new... or have i?


Junius said...

dats mah fav song 'cloudnumber9'

Junius said...

PS:btw, initially i read 'few pegs off my life' hehe

Anonymous said...

Hi Maya,

That's okay..letting the past go, it has served its time -- gave you your joys and sorrows. Now it's time to close that chapter of your life and move on to better and bigger things who knows. Self always evolves -- shedding the old no-longer-usable layers -- and creating new ones to build a new you. The latter is where you should focus your energies optimism and positivity. The going may be slow and bit difficult.. but anything new is never easy at the start. Believe me, I know... cos like you I am trying to build a new life as a widow. Yet I know that one day soon I will get there -- to that point when I can say 'I'm okay, I'm fine. Thank God!'

So carry on with your usual hope and courage.. you'll be just fine.

Take care and God bless you.

illusion's den said...

Thanks ellen
Endevourme: Welcome... and hey pegs????